Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kinoko Juice Kiki doll

originally uploaded by taitan-no.
I recently found out about this company Kinoko Juice that makes these amazingly cute resin dolls. I am horribly in love with them, especially the two on the right and the one on the left wearing the cute bear hat. Ahhhh <3
But anyway these little beauties are not cheap they come with a price tag of JPY90,000. Why is the price so high? They are hand made and limited edition. Making resin dolls is not easy if you do it by yourself, believe me I am trying to learn how. Its very time consuming and expensive!
The price for these little beauties as probably just about right! At least in my book they are. I mean people pay the same amount for some larger resin dolls I don't see why they wouldn't for these guys, added bonus these guys are ten times cuter!
.( 9^9).

The company is a japan based company, and so far I have not found a branch in any other country. The web site for Kinoko Juice is in Japanese completely. But from what I could make out from translators they only get a few out of a batch around 9 to 15 dolls at a period. The production of batches is sporadic and rare so if you have the money and looking to get one best watch the website closely and find a friend in japan that you trust so that they can buy one for you!

1 comment:

  1. cutie :O can u tell me the webpage for the dolls :'( i cannot found it! its driving me crazy!
